Coffee + Cards with Amy | Strawberry Green Tea

Hey it’s Amy here with a giftie duo!

Affiliate links are used in this post.

The other day when I was shopping at our local Japanese grocery store, I found a box of Strawberry Green Tea. That reminded me of the Super Sponsor Pixi Dust Designs – Tea Box Die set that I picked up.

I was so excited to put together my project. I found an American Crafts scrap sheet of 12×12 [about 3/4 left], isn’t that strawberry paper so cute? I managed to cut it wrong but was able to salvage panels because of course, I wanted to use that paper.

The card is tiny, about 3 1/8 x 3 3/4. It was originally what should have been the back of the box but I was zooming right along and sliced that stitched oval onto that panel. Sigh. I then trimmed it off and used it for my card front.

The shaker bits are:

  • Pixi Dust Designs – Strawberry Shortcake Mix | shaker bits

The sentiment is:

  • Waffle Flower Crafts – Berry | subsentiments

The Tea Bag Box is adorable! I LOVE that ric rac edging and all of the stitched panels. Here’s a side shot:

Honestly, it isn’t just for tea bags. You could fill it with a card, tiny card set, you name it.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Affiliate links at no extra cost to you:

4 responses to “Coffee + Cards with Amy | Strawberry Green Tea”

  1. lee Avatar

    Darling card!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. maryredjr Avatar

    So sweet! I love the strawberry pattern and that little tea box is to die for!


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Coffee Loving Papercrafters!

Welcome to the home of the Coffee Loving Papercrafters…formerly known as the Coffee Loving Cardmakers. We’re so excited to share all things crafty caffeinated with you!

Let’s connect

Design Team

Amy Tsuruta  Hostess
Chaitali Narla Co-Host Emeritus
Helen Gullett IG Coordinator
Lisa Bzibziak FB Coordinator
Christine Burillo-Kirch
Erin Thiem
Kathy Schweinfurth
Mary Reiner
Shanna Slater
Shelly Kurth
Kimberly Anne Lanegan Wiener
Vanessa Buzard


Robyn Jordan Brew Crew
Angie Cimbalo Brew Crew
Dana Warren Brew Crew
Amanda Wilcox Brew Crew
Lisa Golzbein Brew Crew
Kerry Urbatch DT Coordinator
Katie Brooks Brew Crew
Lori Turner Brew Crew
Annette Allen– Brew Crew
Laurel Seabrook– Brew Crew
Dana Gong– Brew Crew
Becca Cruger– Brew Crew
Terri Burson– Brew Crew
Andreea Raghina– Brew Crew
Cris Graca – Brew Crew
Maria Peters– Brew Crew
Jessica Frost-Ballas– Brew Crew
Melissa Chipperfield– Brew Crew
Rubeena Ianigro– Brew Crew
Valerie Ward– Brew Crew
Wendy McGaffey– Brew Crew

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